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Week 8 – Metamorphosis


Now that we are two months into the Master Key Master Mind Alliance (MKMMA), I have tentatively emerged from my cacoon into my new reality. It’s like a rebirth.

Charles F. Hanel writes in Part 8 of the Master Key System,”Imagination is a plastic power, molding the things of sense into new forms and ideas.” My imagination has worked overtime to get my Definite Major Purpose finalized, with just the right wording and feelings so it is true to my heart’s desire.

Hanel also writes  that “…in order to cultivate the imagination it must be exercised. Exercise is necessary to cultivate mental muscle as well as physical muscle.” Just like I complete my physical exercise program each morning and walk one to three miles per day, I am diligent about completing my mental exercises three times per day, in order to strengthen my feeling of living in my new reality so I can permanently leave my cacoon behind and spread my exquisite wings to enjoy my beautiful new life!

Hanel writes, “Successful men (and women of course!) make it their business to hold ideals of the conditions which they wish to realize. They constantly hold in mind the next step necessary to the ideal to which they are striving.” The various techniques used in the MKMMA are working together for me now all day long to keep my ideal life top of mind. These include the three times daily readings, my movie poster, my audio recording, the geometric shapes and colors connected to my goals and action plans, and the progressive focus on positive thinking, being a giver, maintaining positive daily habits and living with an open heart.

Yes, it’s work, but work I’m enthusiastic to perform each day because now that I’ve firmly connected to my Definite Major Purpose, I’m living in my new reality and will not be denied the victory of manifesting all my goals! My transformation is profound, just like that of a pupa to an adult butterfly,

Week 7 – Getting to Know My Future Self

dream big2

She’s still 5’3” tall, weighs 124 pounds, has an infectious laugh, and values her family above all else except her faith. Those are a few things that haven’t changed between my current and future selves. If you look closely, however, you can detect some significant internal changes between these two gals.

My current self knew in her head that change comes from within, but until the Master Key Master Mind Alliance program, had not been able to initiate the drastic changes that she wanted in her life. It took the power of the group and the guides and the hard daily mental work to give her the confidence to sustain her belief in her heart that she had the power to will the changes she wanted into her life.

My future self lives in the three locations of her choosing – Leland, NC, Farmington, CT, and Portland, ME, and runs a global, multimillion dollar network marketing business with her ever-loving husband.

She has time and money to spoil her husband, kids, and grandkids with treats and trips. She has a team of virtual vendors that support her personally and professionally. She has set up two giving foundations that she administers with her husband and three adult children and their spouses. This gives her great satisfaction to be able to continuously give back to her family and her community.

Because her business is in the health and wellness industry, she models healthy eating and daily exercise into the final decades of her life. Every day of her life, she also sustains the high level of confidence she gained in the MKMMA program, in order to see her purpose through.

I like this future “Me” a lot because she has persisted and found a way to empower herself to fulfill her life purpose of loving and leading her family and community as she greats abundance.

Never give up! A way will appear!


Week 6 – Gathering Evidence

For my DMP (Definite Major Purpose) to manifest, my network marketing business needs to grow. I’ve put a lot of effort into it for the past four years, and while it’s grown some, it has not kept pace with my dreams!

As if by magic, committed distributors are appearing, i.e., not those who say, “I’ll give this a try,” but rather those who say, “I am going to do this!” Big difference!

I know there is nothing that can stop me from pursuing my dreams through my business. As my mental power is increasing through application of the Master Keys program, my subby is actually bringing in the resources as promised! This is an exciting shift! I’m experiencing that it’s not the quantity of work, but the quality of my thinking that will bring me the results I seek.

To actually see the evidence of this teaching start to appear is quite exciting! It’s like working out with a new fitness program for a few weeks, and having wiggle room in your jeans. Evidence of results for your effort is a strong motivator to keep going.

I’m also building more trust in the mastermind process available in the Master Key program. At first I was reluctant to post in the “Alliances” section of the Web site, but now I post every day. Why? Because I thought about laminating my dream board and using it as a place mat. Then I read posts from other participants in the program who are laminating their dream boards to read in the shower. I’ve found my tribe!

Let’s face it…most people will not put forth the effort to pump up their personal power in order to achieve their life purpose. And I never want to be like most people. I’m here to make a difference and I want to be around people who have the same commitment to their lives.

I know now that I’m out of the bleachers for good and will be on the playing field for the rest of my life! Go team!!


Week 5 – Have Master Keys Will Travel

Last week our older son called and asked if we’d come for a week and help out with our granddaughter while our daughter-in-law traveled for business. We love to spoil our kids and grandchildren every chance we get, so of course we said, “Yes!” So we rented a new car, packed up our gear and our dog, and drove 10 hours from North Carolina to Kentucky. What a beautiful drive this time of year! We saw majestic mountains in western North Carolina, serious-looking mining towns in West Virginia, expansive horse farms in Lexington, Kentucky, and finally our precious family in Louisville, Kentucky in their charming new home there.
During the drive we listened to Part 4 of the Master Keys on tape. We have been diligent in keeping up with our readings and blogging while visiting, which takes a good deal of effort when you’re working around others’ schedules and your needed to help out for many hours of the day.
Our granddaughter, Ellie, is adorable, and we’ve enjoyed every minute with her. Especially this week, as the Halloween excitement is building! We plan to stay an extra day so we can participate in her trick or treating fun when she ventures out as a two-year-old twirling princess!
The weather is fantastic here – the leaves are falling and there’s a small breeze. Fat squirrels are scampering around getting ready for the long winter haul. I could sit outside all day!
This trip makes me appreciate yet again the flexibility of our network marketing business, which we can “work” from anywhere. I feel like I’m getting more clarity from my subby on the ‘hows” that will stimulate my business growth. I’m excited about writing my press release as if it were 10 years from now and everything in my Definite Major Purpose (DMP) statement is accomplished,
We’ll be back in Kentucky in three weeks to celebrate Thanksgiving and will be joined by our younger son from San Francisco. My dreams are coming true right before my eyes! I’m enjoying more and more freedom every day. I feel like I’m the one being spoiled and that’s fine by me!

Week 4 – DuMP the DMP!

Ok, I’ve been rewriting and reading my DMP (Definite Major Purpose) statement for a few weeks now, and faithfully incorporating the input from my patient guides.

Today, when I reviewed the comments from two guides, I had the urge to DuMP my DMP and begin again! Their four eyes detected the holes in my DMP.  I am truly grateful that two people who I have never met would take the time to help me get a clear statement that will become my blueprint for creation over the next 5 years.

This turnaround totally surprised me, but it prompted me to take a long walk, talk things over with my husband and best friend, and rethink my PPNs (Pivotal Personal Needs) for the next five years, which is the timeframe I set for my DMP.

After our walk and talk, I did my Master Key reading and meditation today, and I believe I have made a decision to change both of my PPNs. The reason for this is that the words in my original DMP did not match at least one of my PPNs, as my guides adeptly noticed, and the second PPN is something I plan to focus on in 10 years, not 5 years.

Today it’s back to the keyboard. I know I’ll be able to salvage part of the DMP,  but most of it will be replaced with a more soul-centered, i.e. “I-centered” description of what I see as my purpose for living for the next 5 years. Really, that’s a long time span to be of service and continue to develop my natural gifts.

No one said this process would be easy! It’s not for the weak of mind, body, or spirit. I’m praying for guidance that my next version of my DMP is a more accurate description of my 5-year purpose.


Week 3 – Conscious Shift

Taking a leap of faith, I started doing the daily exercises as prescribed in the Master Key Program. Every day I notice my conscious thoughts are getting stronger and stronger in the direction of the images I’m painting in my 400-word Definite Major Purpose statement. This shift is remarkable to me. I noticed it even in the first week of the program and it has continued each day now through the third week.

What this means to me is that I’m getting even more confident and excited about manifesting WHAT I WANT! I’m less distracted by the things I don’t want and way more focused on bringing in the things I do want.

As I read the Master Key passages each day, I gain a better understanding and acceptance of the amazing power within me, and a sharpened determination to use it in ways that benefit me and others. Luckily I can share these noticeable changes with my husband, who is also in the program, and he has confirmed that he has experienced the same shift.

I am preparing myself for a lot of positive change between now and the end of the 26-week Master Key Program and beyond. These changes are inevitable based on the conscious shift I am already experiencing. It’s like an awakening and I don’t want to miss any of it. Every night when I go to sleep, I tell my subconscious to get busy – we have no time to waste!

Speaking of being more aware, I have noticed, too, that I am much less interested in TV.  Even though I only watched about one hour per day prior to the start of the program, I can see myself giving it up almost completely as my life quickly changes and I become more active doing more of those things that support my purpose.

Overall I am grateful for this program and for the opportunity to experience it with others around the world who are also committed to attaining their life purpose.

Week 2 – How to Deal with the “R” Word

As part of the Master Key Program, I wrote my 400-word Definite Major Purpose. I found that I described the life I have been wanting to live for at least the past five years, and that I hope to manifest in the next five years. The gap between where I am now and where I want to be, both geographically and in my business, appears quite wide to my conscious mind. To my unconscious mind, it’s a piece of cake, right?
My income needs to rise dramatically for me to be able to execute my desire in the next five years and beyond. When I look at our budget and checkbook, the “R” word keeps surfacing. The “R” word is Realistic, and it’s a reflection of my conscious thinking. My husband and I have agreed not to use the “R” word in creating the next phase of our life together.
How “Realistic” is it for me to create a $2 million+ per year sustainable income as a network marketer? Well, according to what I’m learning in the Master Keys, that’s not for my conscious mind to judge, it’s for my subconscious mind to create. On the other hand, my conscious mind is supposed to act as the “guardian at the gate” of my subconscious mind, so is it being a worthy guardian when it communicates a desire to my subconscious mind that could appear “unrealistic” to someone who does not understand the dual power of a network marketing business and a deliberately and repetitively programmed subconscious mind?
I have to go with my gut, which tells me that now is my time and that the Master Key program came at just the right point in my life when I need to kick my subconscious power in gear like never before to enable me to achieve my definite major purpose. Do it Now and kick the “R” word to the curb!

Week 1 – Success Mindset

So far I am enjoying the process of studying the Master Key System, in order to strengthen my success mindset.
I like the discipline of the program and the mental and physical exercises related to the Master Key System.
Combining this program with Og Mandino’s book, The Greatest Salesman in the World, seems like a genius approach to securely plant success seeds in the subconscious mind.
Having to reserve the time for reading as the final step before going to sleep at night is the biggest adjustment for me so far with this program. I had been in the habit of winding down at night with mental word games and leisure reading. These were my reward for a day well done. Now after I indulge myself with those activities, I get out of bed and complete my end-of-day Master Key program assignments. It reminds me of when our children were newborns and we had to stay alert until 10:00 p.m. or 11:00 p.m. to give them their last bottle, which would hopefully allow them to sleep through the night.
The first night of the program I did not sleep as well as usual, but I have noticed that my sleep is improving each night, so I’m adjusting to the new routine. I know it will be so worth it to strengthen my success mindset, just like raising children was so worth all the effort.
I understand that I have to feed my subconscious mind the right material right before I go to sleep so it can work towards my benefit while I sleep. It’s nice to have a 24/7 partner, but you want to ensure that it’s working with the right directions and will help to take you where you want to go now, not operating on some old programs that you aren’t even aware are running in your subconscious mind!